Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Grants for energy conservation programme

508 0
06 July 2012

Новости по теме:

In the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District a meeting on energy efficiency in the plenipotentiary representation was held. The necessity of summing up the first results of the regional energy efficiency activities was discussed during the meeting. The regions of the Far East do not comply with regulatory requirements to provide information to the state system GIS "Energy Efficiency", despite the fact that the federal budget allocated funds for the implementation of regional programs for energy efficiency. This year only 4 regions of the Far East have received grants: Primorsky region - 230 million rubles, Sakhalin Region - 385 million rubles, Khabarovsk region - 57 million rubles., Chukotka Autonomous District - 61 million rubles.

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