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German-Chinese biogas partnership

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27 September 2011

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The German planning agency Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH was awarded the contract for the project "Renewable Energies: Optimisation of Biomass Utilisation" in the People's Republic of China, for which international tenders had been invited. The invitation for tenders was put out by the German Organization for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) by order of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Over the next three years there will be a continuous flow of information between China and Germany in the context of the project in order to raise the Chinese biogas technology to the European level. For the implementation of the project, a working group with the Chinese engineering office Hangzhou Energy & Environmental Engineering Co. Ltd. has been formed.

Within the project, the working group will provide engineering support for the construction of several medium-sized and large biogas plants in various Chinese provinces over a period of three years. It will supervise the construction and oversee the operation in order to demonstrate the feasibility of large biogas projects in China.

The funding will come from the Agro Waste Project II of the Asian Development Bank.


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