Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Energy saving with Daikin

505 0
31 August 2011

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Daikin Europe N.V. is adding to its green energy arsenal with the installation of 1,932 solar panels at its Ostend plant. The system will produce approximately 400,000 kW per year (the equivalent consumption of 115 households) and be operational by the end of August 2011. The energy generated will help power Daikin’s on-site operations.
The solar panels are located on the roofs of the DLC and Piping buildings at the Daikin Europe N.V. Ostend site. To highlight the effort and increase environmental awareness, the performance of the installation will be visible via screens in the factory and reception area. Real time data includes daily energy production, CO2 saved, and comparisons with previous periods.Work began at the end of April 2011 and the system will be operational by the end of August. Minimum life of the installation is 20 years, but actual life is expected to be 30-40 years.
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