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Neptun systems in Mosenergosbyt

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25 May 2012

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Since May 2012 the Visitors of the Center of Energy Conservation "Mocenergosbyt" can clearly see the work of water leakage monitoring system «Neptun».
Center for Conservation of OAO "Mosenergo" was created in support of the city target program "Energy in Moscow in 2009-2011. and up to 2020 ", adopted by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 28.10.2008 № 1012-PP. The main objectives of the Center are: promotion of energy conservation among the different groups of consumers, reducing power consumption in peak load hours, practical work with businesses to implement energy-saving technologies, as well as conducting workshops for students. Visitors Centre - corporate consumers energy services and energy-efficient equipment (representatives of industrial enterprises, small businesses, utilities) as well as students and holders of households.
As part of the project to teach students the basics of saving, the demo was created by a set of energy efficiency. When its design was studied and implemented the best practices of similar projects in Russia and Western Europe.
Water leakage control system «Neptun» known in Russia since 2000 and manufactured by "Special Engineering Systems", a member of the HA, "FTA." During this time, it was found more than 250,000 such systems. «Neptun» - the most popular brand of secure water leaks in Russia. In 2010, water leakage monitoring system «Neptun» became the winner of the "Winner of the Year" in nomination "The five best sellers."
Display stand that allows you to demonstrate the principles and features of the system «Neptun» Center for Energy Conservation was established companies' Special Engineering Systems "and« H2O-technology. "

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