Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Commercial Refrigeration System with CO2 Refrigerant

698 0
14:31 28 January 2013

A CO2 cooling system from Danfoss has reduced the energy consumption up to 20-30% for Nordby Supermarket in Strömstad, Sweden.. In the YouTube video take a tour around one of the largest supermarkets in Scandinavia and watch how Danfoss, Huurre and Coop Sweden have helped the supermarket become energy-efficient.

The Scandinavian Food Shopping Paradise 

In Norway cross-border shopping trips to Sweden are popular. Shoppers from all over Norway go to Strömstad in Sweden to save up to 60% on foods in Nordby Supermarket.

Popular foods among the Norwegians are frozen pizza, candy, cheese and meat. Up to eight tons of minced meet is sold every week, and more than two tons of candy every day. In order to meet the needs of the Norwegian cross-border shoppers, freezers covering an area equal to 130 meters, have been installed.

Danfoss plays an important role in securing that the foods are stored at the right temperature. The cooling solution is a CO2 trans-critical booster system that can cut energy consumption by up to 20-30% annually.

Can be monitored from Smartphones and the offices

“In the same system, we produce cooling for freezers, refrigerators and cold rooms and reclaim heating to heat up the supermarket, offices and the basement during winter. The control system is connected to the network, and the staff can monitor the system from their offices and on their smartphones,” says Danfoss business partner, Fredrik Strengbohm from Huurre.

Huurre and Coop Sweden have worked closely with Danfoss to create the supermarket cooling solution for Nordby Supermarket and Fredrik Strengbohm is extremely satisfied with the support from Danfoss: 

“Danfoss has excellent and reliable products. Furthermore, they have very good support in Sweden. With this kind of system, not only good products are vital, but also having the right people to support you. I am very proud of the control system from Danfoss and the technology from Huurre, and of all of the guys who have made this project come true, “ Fredrik Strengbohm says. 
Meeting and exceeding customer needs

Danfoss TV and Electronic Controllers and Services (EL) have produced a video with focus on the customer benefits: 

“By creating these videos, I believe that we will demonstrate how Danfoss is meeting and exceeding our customer’s needs, by providing them a solution that is quantifying both energy and operational savings.

Here we focus on customers’ outcomes, rather than just on technology or products,” says Maureen Lally, Head of Marketing and Strategy in EL.


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