Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

"Adelante" seminar

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18 August 2011

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The training 'Modern plastic piping in the engineering systems. Assessment of quality plastic pipes and plumbing materials in the Russian market' took take place on the 12 of August 2011. The event was organized by plant 'Adelante', the first Russian manufacturer of pipes made of CPVC.

The participants of the training were mainly the heads of the Moscow planning organizations. The lecturers were the Adelante specialists and invited experts.

The problems of the modern condition of engineering systems in Russia, of the pipe choice and of the replacement of the worn out systems were discussed.
Vladimir Evseevich Buhin, Candidate of engineering sciences, teacher of the training center 'Stroypolimer', editor-in-chief of the magazine 'Pipes and Ecology' noted that the Russian Ministry of regional development gives the following data on municipal network tear and wear: for waterpipe 65%, for water drain and heating pipes 63%. In some places the tear and wear reached 70-80%, and it increases annually by 2-3%. About 30% of housing and communal services basic assets had come to the end of their service life. 

Mr. Buhin also showed the participants a comparative analysis of the technical specifications of plastic pipes made of CPVC, PP and metal-plastic materials, their peculiarities, capabilities of the systems made of these materials.

Adelante technical specialist told about installation and operation features of the CPVC pipes and showed the glue installation technology which was very easy and simple.


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