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Russian-Japanese Seminar

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20 March 2012

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A Russian-Japanese Seminar on modernization took place in the Institute of World Economy and International Relations.
From the Economic Development of Russia in the seminar was attended by Deputy Minister of AN Klepac and Deputy Director of the Department of Asian and African countries, EN Popov. The Japanese delegation was headed by the chairman of the board of directors of the company "NTT Corp." Norio Wada.
During the workshop, the leading Japanese companies, including the "Mitsui", "Sumitomo", "Hitachi", "Toshiba" and others, presented their latest developments in the field of energy efficiency and conservation, in particular the system of "smart grid", and suggested Russian companies to explore the possibility of cooperation in these areas.
The representatives of Russian Ministry of Economic Development noted the importance of expanding Russian-Japanese cooperation, especially on the main directions of modernization. Spoke about the work being done in the Ministry of improving the investment climate in the country, as well as the existing bilateral cooperation mechanisms. Workshop participants emphasized the central role of Economic Development of Russia in creating favorable conditions for cooperation between business circles of Russia and Japan.
As a result of the event the parties agreed to continue the practice of holding such seminars.
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