Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Regions sum up the results

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02 April 2012

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If you summarize all energy losses in the Trans-Baikal region, the experts say, it is possible to provide heat, light and water for a small village. Millions literally fly out through the window and funneling through the cracks in the pipes. Designed to remedy the situation the Federal Law "On Energy Saving".
It obliges all, without exception, low cost, and those commercial organizations, where the energy spent more than 10 million rubles, to pass an energy audit. In the Trans-Baikal region - is more than two thousand organizations. In reality, only ten percent of the surveyed buildings. The leaders of the education and health facilities. Here is the first clinic in the region was an energy audit. Conclusion: 26 percent of electricity and heat energy is wasted.
Alex Arapov, representative of generating energy audit: "If you replace the windows with plastic, you can save per year to 150 thousand rubles. But to do this once a year to spend 650 thousand rubles. For four years, it all pays off. And it will be the effect of energy conservation."
Find "sick" from the standpoint of energy, space and predict how to avoid further losses, and thus save money. That's the whole point of the energy audit. Budget organizations, by law, must go through this procedure until the end of the year. Otherwise, the administrative courts and the solid fines.
By law, energy savings in the budget organizations and large commercial enterprises should be not less than 3% annually. In the future, if all the recommendations, experts say, will actually save up to 30 percent of all current expenditures for utilities.
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