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Regional office 'Biokond-Ufa' in Bashkortostan

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22 February 2012

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The regional office "Biokond-Ufa" started its work in Bashkortostan. This opening was the next stage of implementation of the Biokond development program in 2012 which aims further to develop the dealer network and to widen the regional markets.
Over 70 professional representatives from the HVAC companies of the Republic of Bashkortostan gathered. Most of them were the heads of companies and business owners. This fact characterized the degree of interest in the new major partner which had came to the region and its products. The full product range of MHI including absolute new products of 2012 were presented to participants of the meeting. In this season the corporation starts to supply  "heavy" equipment to the Russian market: highly effective centrifugal chillers, various types of heat pumps and gas-piston power plants.
Review of the industrial and semi-industrial equipment (chillers, rooftops, close control air conditioners, compressor-condensing units) made a separate part of the conference. Biokond offers its dealers a complete technical and informational support in design, installation and commissioning in the projects associated with these systems.
Students also watched an MDV presentation. It was a new brand which entered into the product portfolio in 2010 but was already in demand in many regions of Russia.
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