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Research and development in the sphere of power and energy saving

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21 November 2011

Новости по теме:

All-Russia scientific and technical conference "Research and development in the sphere of power and energy saving" took place in the National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" on the 29 November 2011.

The conference is organized by:
― Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
― Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
― National Information and Analytical Centre of energy efficiency technologies (CERT)

Aims of the meeting are:
― introduction of the results of the power and energy saving projects realization which are being carried out due to the Federal target program "Research and development in the sphere of prior areas of scientific and technological complex of Russia in 2007–2013" in 2011;
― effective assimilation of the best scientific and methodical achievements in the sphere of energy efficiency increase by the young researchers and teachers.

The conference will be attended by the leading specialists and experts who are involved in design, creation and introduction of energy efficiency technologies and equipment.

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