Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Innovation Platform

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09 February 2012

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Exhibition Company "FAREXPO" will held the XVI International specialized exhibition of gas industry and the technical means for the gas industry "ROS-GAZ-EXPO», X International specialized exhibition for the power system, "BOILERS AND BURNERS" and IV International specialized exhibition "Energy saving and energy efficiency. Innovative technologies and equipment " in St. Petersburg in June 4-6, 2012.
The events are the officially supported by the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Regional Development, Chamber of Commerce of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg City Administration and the Government of Leningrad region.
These are three projects, united by one purpose: to implement energy conservation policy in Russia, to promote more efficient use of energy resources, to  introduce the advanced energy-saving technologies in production, to  promote the production of competitive energy-saving products.

For the first time
the project "Innovation Platform" will start during the exhibition.

The objectives of the project:
The demonstration of the intellectual potential of the region and the most promising innovative solutions ready for implementation or experienced in practical application.
Creating a database of innovative ideas and projects.
xperience exchange in the implementation of various innovations in the field of gas distribution.
Search for potential partners and investors for the development and implementation of projects.

Objective: To enable the advanced scientific and technological institutions and young professionals to submit drafts of their developments in heat engineering.

Within the framework of the
project there will be:
Presentations of scientific papers and development,
Fashion show, master classes for the presented developments;
Negotiating offices to embody projects between interested companies and authors.

For the participants of the project the negotiations with venture capital funds, technology parks, business incubators, public organizations as well as representatives of large enterprises that operate the presented equipment
will be organized.

We invite you to visit the exhibition "ROS-GAZ-EXPO", "BOILERS AND BURNERS", "ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY. Innovative technologies and equipment " from the 4th to
the 6th of June, 2012, at St. Petersburg.
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