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Metering systems for Ugra

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31 July 2012

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By the July 1, 2013 all Ugra homes must be equipped metering systems. On the press conference the executive director of the Autonomous nonprofit organization "Center for energy efficiency Ugra" Edward Kintsle spoke about this fact.

He noted that the center is constantly monitoring the installation of meters. At present houses are equipped with individual metering devices on 85%, with all-house meters on about 50%. "I should say that it is a sufficiently high rate of meter presence compared to other Russian regions level, but still not one hundred percent. Dynamics of meter installation in private homes and apartment is practically the same, but now it has decreased since 80% of the population who would benefit from the installation of the metering devices have already set them, and those that are not interested in the installation do not in a hurry to do it "-  Edward Kintsle said.
He said the center has a motivational program for the region residents. The experts would explain the people the necessity of the equipment of the apartment with metering devices, disadvantages of meter absence, the law innovations  the order of services consumption from September this year.

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