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Rising of utility rates

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17 October 2012

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Monitoring of the utility rates, conducted by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, has revealed that the tafifs rose more than promised in the government of Russia in September in almost half of Russian regions.

According to the monitoring, the regions, which have become increase champions are the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, whose residents are paying for utilities 47.05% more compared to June; Chuvashia - 41.32%; Primorye - 34.96%; Ulyanovsk region - 30.37%, Karachay-Cherkessia - 27.5%; Stavropol region - 25.41%; Nizhny Novgorod region - 25%. In 20 regions of utilities rose by more than 15%, the press service said.

Chairman of the Commission on Local Government OD and housing policy Svetlana Razvorotneva explained that in most regions of the exorbitant increase in utility bills is not associated with excess of limits set by the Government in respect of regulated utility rates.

"In almost all regions was found increase fees for maintenance and repair. Most management companies in violation of the Housing Code, the default raised the fee, without the general meetings. For example, in the Republic of Buryatia cost of the service has grown to 72.40%, in Udmurtia - up to 53.5% in Primorye - up 35.27%, "- said S.Razvorotneva, quoted by the press office.

The data presented, according S.Razvorotnevoy, obtained from various sources. "We have received a copy of the regions platezhek to improve and after, and then compare the numbers. Additionally, we used information from the citizens making the" hot line "OP utility rates on growth," - said S.Razvorotneva. According to her, the Public Chamber is developing a regional network of community monitors, who will monitor the cost and quality of housing and communal services.

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