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Energy saving potential 40-45%

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19 March 2012

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Energy saving potential is estimated at 40-45% of current electricity consumption in the Russian Federation today. This opinion was expressed in Moscow during the online conference organized by RBC, the rector of the National Research University "MEI" Sergei Serebryannikov.
According to him, the greatest contribution to energy efficiency can make a big production (metallurgy, oil refining, cement production, electricity producers themselves), and housing and communal sphere (homes, office buildings, everything connected with living people.) Thus, according to various estimates, the energy themselves consume about 10% of its electricity.
According S.Serebryannikova in Russia and not enough is done to use energy efficient light bulbs. "It would be possible to achieve great results, but what has been achieved now, this result can hardly be considered seriously," - he said. The rector said that abolition of conventional incandescent bulbs with 100 watts and above did not lead to the desired effect, bought up almost the entire population of products, in addition, there were lights on the market power of a little less than 100 watts.
Recall, according to the "System Operator", electricity consumption in Russia in 2011. increased compared with the previous year by 1.2% and amounted to 1 trillion 21 billion kilowatt-hours Electricity production in Russia in 2011. increased by 1.5% - up to 1 trillion 40.4 billion kWh, the UES of Russia - 1.5% - up to 1 trillion 19.3 billion kilowatt-hours Including thermal power plants (CHP) production increased by 2.1% - up to 633.8 billion kWh, nuclear power plants (NPPs) - 1.5% - up to 172.5 billion kWh, hydroelectric power plants (HPP) - reduced by 2.2% - up to 154.5 billion kilowatt-hours Power plant industry in 2011. produced 58.4 billion kWh, which is 4,6% more than in 2010.
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