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Preparing utilities facilities for the autumn-winter season

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17 October 2012

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Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signs a list of instructions following the September 26, 2012 teleconference, “On preparing power, energy and housing/municipal utilities facilities for the autumn-winter season of 2012-2013”

The document’s text:

1. Executive bodies of Russian regions and local governments are instructed to do the following:

Ensure complete compliance in full volume with plans to prepare power, energy and housing/municipal utilities facilities for the autumn-winter season of 2012-2013, and inform the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Regional Development and the Federal Service for Supervision of the Environment, Technology and Nuclear Management (Rostekhnadzor) about specific results by November 10, 2012;

Take action, in conjunction with law-enforcement agencies, to minimise consumer debt owed to resource-supplying organisations for the fuel and energy resources consumed, and to prevent an increase in outstanding debt, and keep the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Regional Development informed by December 5, 2012;

Expedite efforts to draft heat-supply schemes of communities and municipalities, and submit quarterly reports to the Ministry of Energy on the tenth of each month following the reporting period;

Ensure the approval of standard fuel reserves at heat energy generating sources in 2012 in line with Federal Law No. 190-FZ, “On Heat Supply,” dated July 27, 2010, and submit weekly reports on the work done to the Ministry of Energy.

2. Regional executive bodies primarily supplying natural gas to boiler rooms are instructed to do the following:

Submit an approved timeframe of converting consumers to reserve fuel types, as well as a list of measures to prevent emergencies in the event of main-fuel (gas) supply restrictions, to the Ministry of Energy.

3. Ministry of Energy (Alexander Novak):

Ministry of Regional Development (Oleg Govorun):

Federal Service for Supervision of the Environment, Technology and Nuclear Management (Rostekhnadzor) (Nikolai Kutyin):

Summarise reports submitted by regional executive bodies in conjunction with local governments, and submit a final report on completing the certification of power, energy and housing/municipal utilities facilities until November 15, 2012.

4. Ministry of Defence (Anatoly Serdyukov):

Inform the Ministry of Regional Development about efforts to transfer military communities to the jurisdiction of Russian regions and into municipal ownership on a quarterly basis by the tenth of each month following the reporting period;

Ensure the preparedness of departmental power and energy facilities and housing/municipal utilities facilities for the 2012-2013 autumn-winter season, and submit a final report to the Government by November 15, 2012.

5. Ministry of Regional Development (Oleg Govorun):

Oversee, in conjunction with regional executive bodies, the transfer of military communities to the jurisdiction of Russian regions and into municipal ownership, and submit quarterly reports to the Government by the 20th of each month following the reporting period.

6. Ministry of Finance (Anton Siluanov):

Draft explanations of the procedure for the redistribution of Defence Ministry transfers for the maintenance of power and energy facilities, residential buildings and the housing/municipal utilities infrastructure of military communities during their transfer to the state jurisdiction of Russian regions and municipal entities, and the above document to the Ministry of Defence and regional executive bodies by October 10, 2012.

7. Ministry of Energy (Alexander Novak):

Check the preparedness of power-generating facilities, in conjunction with regional executive bodies, and in line with the Statute on Checking the Preparedness of Power-Generating Facilities for the Autumn-Winter Period, which was approved by a decision of the Government Commission on Electricity Supply Security (Protocol No.10 dated July 6, 2012) and inform the Government about specific results by November 20, 2012.

8. Ministry of Regional Development (Oleg Govorun):

Ministry of Energy (Alexander Novak):

Ministry of Energy (Alexander Novak):  

Examine the possibility, in conjunction with regional executive bodies, of changing the methodology to determine the start of the regional heating season and report to the Government.

9. Ministry of Energy (Alexander Novak):

Take all essential action, in conjunction with the Administration of the Rostov Region (Vasily Golubev) and owners of the Experimental Thermal Power Station in the city of Krasny Sulin in the Rostov Region, to ensure uninterrupted power and energy supply for consumers of the Experimental Thermal Power Station, and with due consideration for the possible granting of emergency power-generating facility status to the Experimental Thermal Power Station in line with the established procedure.

10. Ministry of Energy (Alexander Novak):

Ministry of Regional Development (Oleg Govorun):

Submit proposals on transferring the right to approve heat-supply schemes of communities and municipalities to regional levels.

11. Ministry of Interior (Vladimir Kolokoltsev):

Federal Financial Monitoring Service/Rosfinmonitoring (Yury Chikhanchin):

In conjunction with the Prosecutor-General’s Office:

While checking the activity of resource-supplying organisations and organisations managing blocks of flats and collecting utilities payments and having substantial overdue payables, focus on actions which may lead to the deliberate bankruptcy of these organisations.

Report to the Government on your work by December 20, 2012.

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