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Energy Performance Contracting in Tomsk

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11 November 2011

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Development of first Energy Performance Contracting in Russia which is intended to fulfill in Tomsk Region by the company "Tomskenergosbyt" is a pilot experience and requires changes in the Federal legislation, as Deputy General Director of the Russian Power Agency (Ministry for the Power Generating Industry) Alexey Poleshuk who became moderator of the 12th All-Russia Meeting "Power supply and energy saving - regional aspect".

'Tomskenergosbyt is really
implementing one of the most difficult and advanced energy saving projects. In this sense, Tomskenergosbyt is doubtless a leading company in the country. The project could be described as innovative. We are going to support the Tomsk Regional clinical hospital project in order to perfect Energy Performance Contracting mechanism, transfer it into the standards and form regulatory acts for the whole Russia,' Poleshuk said.

He said also that the results of the Tomsk meeting and
Tomskenergosbyt activities analysis would help to prepare the Energy Performance Contracting and to offer suggestions for the legislation changes.

As the representative of the Russian Power Agency, there are only three or five active regions in Russia which contribute much to Energy Performance Contracting, and there are only two of them where the projects are being worked out intensively - they are Kaluga and Tomsk Regions.

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