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Regulation of ozone-depleting substances circulation

534 0
02 February 2012

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In March 14, 2011 as part of the largest in Russia and the cold climate of the exhibition "Climate World 2012" will host a conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Ministry of Russia, the organization dedicated to regulating traffic of ozone-depleting substances in the Russian Federation.
The main themes of the conference:

State approaches to solving this problem in the medium term. What program to be implemented for the organization of control over the turnover of ODS and ODS-containing products? New regulations in this area and the measures planned by the Ministry of Russia, Rosprirodnadzor, the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the Russian Interior Ministry.
What assistance is provided by the Government of the Russian Federation and the UNIDO Russian enterprises in the transition to the new competitive production, energy efficient and environmentally friendly products bezopasnoyoy?
The certification system for climate and refrigeration business - what experience have in Europe and how it can be used in Russia? With the introduction of such a system would give businesses and ordinary consumers?
Is there an effective and affordable alternatives to ozone-depleting substances? As far as they are safe for the environment? What do the leading manufacturers and international experience shows that?
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