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Heating season in Moscow

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01 October 2012

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The heating season begins in Moscow on October 6-7, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Public Works Pyotr Biryukov told the reporters on Friday.

According to the technology, heat is generated when a period of five days average daily air temperature in the city does not exceed plus 8 degrees.

"Today, the average daily temperature reaches plus 15-16 degrees, the day temperature rises to 18-21 degrees at night - to 7-12 degrees, so it is too early for the heating," -  the official said.

Meanwhile, he noted that the authorities allowed the supply heat to social institutions at the request of their leaders. "This is a day care, health centers and schools. If their leaders believe that the need to apply heat, it is served on request," - said Biryukov.

Also, the official said that an estimated mass flow heat begins October 6-7. "But again, it depends on the outside temperature," the deputy mayor said.

He said that initially "weather forecasters had given forecasters that the heating season was scheduled to start from September 25." As for the repairs to heating systems, all of them have been completed by August 28.

"We reported to the mayor that the whole urban system of heat and electricity, as well as sewerage system are fully prepared for winter conditions," Biryukov concluded.

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