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Training seminar in Samara

539 0
21 August 2012

August 16, 2012 the first training seminar on the correct selection and use of professional tools for the use and installation of pipelines was held in Samara. Their experiences with sellers shared employees RIDGID. Now, any citizen of Samara can be sure - it will help to choose the right tool.

The workshop - the first event of its kind in Samara. It was organized for the staff of "Enthusiast", the largest in the Volga network of shops selling professional tools. According to the participants, these training events is difficult to overestimate, as they enhance awareness of products from vendors. Now, employees of "enthusiasts" can not only advise what tool is best to use for a given task, but also tell you how to use it properly.
During the seminar, representatives RIDGID talked about all the company's products, particularly its applications. "We showed a lot of demooborudovaniya and demonstrated its proper use, - says Andrey Lykov, regional representative of RIDGID. - Previously, such training programs were conducted only in Moscow at the training center RIDGID. Now, in order to raise their level, there is no need to go to the capital. The staff can be grown in the regions. "

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