Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Improved ventilators VKM and VKMc

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31 August 2011

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VENTS improved the case construction of the radial fans series VKM and VKMc in order to make them more functional.

VKM and VKMc series are designed for forced-air and exhaust ventilation systems and have capacity of 5260 m3/h.

Ventilator case is made of steel with a polymeric coat (VKM) or galvanized steel coat (VKMc). It could be mounted at any angle to the ventilator axis with the help of mounting brackets.

The usage of VKM and VKMc ventilators in various business and industrial facilities demand high safety and reliable operation. That's why the VENTS specialists developed a fully air-tight case for VKM and VKMc series which allow no air leaks and ensure the highest grade of reliability.
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