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New Mitsubishi Heavy Industries website

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01 November 2011

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The oficial distributor of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI) in Russia and CIS countries informs about the start up of a renewed website is a Russian language website which contains much actual information and technical data about air conditioning systems MHI

In September the restyling of the portal is finished. The website has now a convenient interface, advanced menu, wide technical capabilities. The website design meet all modern web-design tendencies. The color gamut of white, red and black corresponds to the Japan concept of minimalism.

The web-site is simple, functional and very informative. It could be useful for technical specialists, dealers and partners, individual customers and mass media representatives.

After the simple registration procedure the specialists of the engineering and climatic companies get access to the technical information: service and installation manuals, operating manuals, starting up and adjustment manuals and others. There is also a software for equipment selection, technical articles, new products presentations, product families reviews. The website possesses a news section where the companies press-releases, manufacturers news, seminars and conferences announcements, reports about the past actions are being published.

The new website has an unusual catalogue menu with a dynamic movable line which allows to find desired series, to see quickly the foto and the description, to watch the variety and completeness of the product line MHI.

As TNS Gallup Media the design and form of the air conditioners MHI remain one of the determinating factors of climatic product choice behaviour. Marketing experts researches show that the customers of Mitsubishi Heavy are modern people who are fashionably dressed and equipped who know much about new products and long for their purchase. They appreciate comfort and choose modern technologies. They are often educated creative people who are interested in history, art, philosophy and religion.

MHI corporation is oriented towards such people when manufacturing and designing new equipment. It offers advanced ecologically safe technologies and innovative solutions for creating comfort with minimal power inputs.

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