Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

New JAC project

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08 November 2011

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The installation of a supply and extract ventilation and air conditioning system for the sports and health improving center "Olympian" in a town Staronizhesteblievskaya (Krasnodar region) is completed. Sport center has been built within the framework of a state program of physical culture and sport development.
The new center is ready to welcome a thousand visitors. It disposes of two sport hall (a big and a small), a boxing ring, a complete  set of training simulators among them there are some specialized and for physically challenged people. Daily trainings, regional and federal competitions could be held here. Here people can go in for 14 sports.

The creation and maintenance of the optimal temperature and humidity conditions and powerful ventilation is carried out by means of the industrial equipment which came from an Italian holding G.I. INDUSTRIAL HOLDING S.p.a. In sport halls two supply and extract chambers Novair CTA 108/86 with refrigerating units Clint MHA/K 302 are installed. They are using freon 410A and have a cooling capacity 90 kW.

The air supply efficiency of each chamber is 15000 m3. Air conditioners operate in two modes: cooling in summer, heating in winter. The lobby is equipped with two ceiling split systems General ABG 54 R3W.

The supply, installation and commissioning works were made by the company CiTy Group from Krasnodar which is a dealer of "JAC Kuban".
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