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Systemair retail price list 2012

1376 1
10 February 2012

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On February 1, 2012 a new Systemair retail price list recommended for Russia and CIS countries appeared.
The range of models, there are many new fans, rectangular fire dampers, added a lot of air-terminal, accessories, etc. The new price list reflects all changes to the fans associated with the transition to the use of more high-class engines IE2, as well as other updates range of equipment Systemair.

For more information on updates to be published in the "News" section on the website of the company Systemair.
All product prices are displayed in the online product catalog Systemair. Printer friendly version of price list will be available at the exhibition "World Climate 2012", Moscow, in March, the company's stand Systemair.
  • 16-02-2012

    Лидия Федоровна

    Для состаления сметной документации институтом 'Ростовгражданпроект', прошу выслать прайс лист на 2012 год.

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