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New pricing rules in the heating

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23 October 2012

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New pricing rules in the heating sector will come into force in 2014. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich at a meeting of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with deputy prime ministers.

According to him, "To limit cost increases for the consumers, growing stops were laid in the traditional cost formula "inflation minus"and not "inflation plus", as usual for the investment costs."

Arkady Dvorkovich said that "documents should be ready in the near future, some regulations will come into force in the second half of 2013, some - in 2014."

"One standard will come into effect from the beginning of 2013 -it is the charge for the connection, it will be, as for the electricity - 550 rubles for the consumer. This is a clear standard, and no deviations there should not be", - he said .

Dvorkovich also said that 10 laws are required for all of these standards, eight of which were to develop by the Federal Tariff Service, and two - by the Ministry of Energy. "The work has already begun,"  Dvorkovich said.

Source: RIA Novosti

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