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HTS sells Precision Air Conditioners

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02 May 2012

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The company HTS starts selling a new line of Precision Air Conditioners for outdoor installation WDE Wall-Air Displacement Evolution of the German manufacturer Stulz for cooling telecommunication containers in the Russian market.

In telecommunications containers space is at a premium. Wall Air units are installed outside the containers. Therefore enabling the space inside the container to be used to the full.

WDE + is available in displacement version. The units blow out the cold air close to the ground at low speed (<1 m/s). Due to the low speed at which the air is flowing, a “pool” of cold air forms on the floor. This cold air is drawn in by fans integrated in the server rack as a function of the heat load, and the heated air is expelled upwards. Because
this metod prevents hot and cold air from mixing, the diplacement unit can draw the air at 30°C, instead of at 25°C as was previously the case.

At low outside temperature, cooling is direct with outside air. The outside air is conveyed into the container when the air flap is open. Therefore when outside temperature are low, energy intensive compressor cooling is not necessary.

Once the outside temperature exceeds a given threshold, free cooling alone is no longer sufficient. Then, in mixed mode, the runtimes of the compressor are kept to a minimum by the simultaneous use of free cooling and compressor cooling. In this way depending on the local temperature profile the annual energy costs can be cut by a further 10%. The partial load mode of the air conditioner produces further potential savings.
Компания HTS объявляет о начале продаж новой линейки прецизионных кондиционеров от компании Stulz для охлаждения телеком контейнеров
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