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We need a green, clean revolution

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22 June 2012

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The Climate Group have launched The Clean Revolution Campaign at the Rio+20 Earth Summit, where world leaders shared their visions for a low carbon world with a thriving economy.

The Climate Group is an independent, not-for-profit organisation whose aim is to inspire and catalyze leadership for a low carbon future for all.

Mark Kenber, CEO, The Climate Group, opened the session this week, outlining what a clean revolution is and where in the world it is underway, using examples in China, Germany and India. He explained the aims of the three-year Campaign: “The Clean Revolution will present evidence of the massive economic opportunities in a green economy, and will profile how innovative leadership is already transforming policies and markets around the world. It is our belief – and I think one that you all share too – that a clean revolution is the only feasible path to a smarter better, more prosperous future. For all.”

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