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National Award "Save energy!"

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29 November 2011

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Rewarding Ceremony of the winners of an annual National Award "Save energy!" took place on the 25th November 2011 in the pavilion "Electrification" at the territory of All-Russia Exhibition Centre in the International Exhibition «ENES 2011" and «REenergy 2011". It is a socially important award for the most significant achievements in energy efficiency. The event was organized by the Russian Energy Agency. The award is supported by Moscow Government, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Public Chamber of Russian Federation, All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises "SUPPORT OF RUSSIA".

Media sponsor of the Award was the C.O.K. magazine.

The purpose of the Award is to raise awareness and attract public attention to energy conservation, identification of best practices in energy conservation and efficiency, as well as stimulating the manufacturing of energy efficient products.
Solemn ceremony was opened by the Director for External Relations of the Russian Energy Agency Oksana Kostyuchenkova. In her speech she noted that "according to the Eastern wisdom, journey of a thousand steps began at our feet, that's why first real advances in energy efficiency were of great importance for the development of the industry".

Foto: car with hybrid engine

At the Rewarding ceremony "Save energy!" the names of the leading companies among manufacturers, developers and suppliers of energy-saving products and technologies became familiar.
Nomination "Technology of the Year":
JSC "MOS Otis" - Category "Municipal Engineering"
Camfil Farr - Category "Engineering equipment of buildings"
LLC "Stiebel Eltron" - category "Consumer Electronics"
JSC "Holding STiS" - Category "Thermal protection"
LLC "Argos-Trade" - Category "Lighting"
LLC "KSB" - Category "Pumping equipment"
Nomination "Energy-efficient technology in real economy sector":
JSC "Moscow United Electricity Distribution Company" - Category "Large industrial enterprises"
Manufacturer Trading House "Zion" - Category "Small and Medium Business»
Nomination "Energy Efficient City":
JSC "Naberezhnochelninsky Heat Distribution Company" - The category of "Heat"
Company "OLMA" - Category "System of ventilated facades"
"Russian panel groups"
Ltd. - Category of "insulation"
Nomination "Energy-efficient office":
LLC "Danfoss"
Nomination "Energy Saving in Construction":
LLC "Deceuninck Rus"
Nomination "Best Project of the energy saving teaching":
Ltd. "Mosenergosbyt"
Nomination "Best project of energy saving promotion":
Nomination "For contribution to the energy-saving products in retail markets":
Nomination "For contribution to the development of renewable energy":
LLC "Ekoenergia-Wave" - ​​Category "Solar Energy"
OJSC "Brewing company" Baltic "- Category" Biogas Fuel "
Nomination "Project of the Year":
JSC "Chepetsky Mechanical Plant"
Nomination "Energy Efficient Building Automation Building":
Ltd. "Dyson"
Nomination "Best Regional Project":
OJSC "Surgutneftegaz" - Ural Federal District
JSC "Siberian Energy Company" - Siberian Federal District
Nomination "For contributions to the development of energy efficiency in Russia":
TNK-BP - Category of "foreign company"
JSC "TGC-16" - Category "Russian company"
Nomination "Special Award of the Organizing Committee":
JSC "Chuvash Energy Company"
JSC "Heating network of St. Petersburg"
JSC "Tyumenenergo"
Municipal unitary enterprise "Ulyanovsk city grid"
"Best Creative Work":
"Private Technology"
Nomination "For contribution to the development of energy efficiency in Russia":
NP "Innovation cluster development technologies and devices that ensure reliability, efficiency and safety of technosphere" - Category "Public organization"
Kosmos - Category "Enterprise"
Media representatives which made significant contribution in the field of energy saving were also personally noted. They were RIA Novosti, the Russian newspaper, PRIME, RBC, Kommersant magazine "Expert".
Following honored guests who handed
the award to the winners were present at the event: Deputy General Director and Commercial Director of Center for Energy RAO UES Tamara Merebashvili, Director of energy efficiency of ESC RusHydro Denis Panafidin, Executive Director of the Energy Committee Eugene Kanygin, a member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium Businesses "SUPPORT OF RUSSIA" Mikhail Kolesnikov.
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