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BALLU mobile air conditioner

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25 April 2012

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BALLU INDUSTRIAL GROUP expands the product range of the popular series of mobile air conditioners AIR MASTER, the last year best seller. The new model combines all the advantages of its predecessors, differing with its sleek design and compact size.
Due to the high technology manufacture of AIR MASTER BALLU - a modern product that can be a wonderful offer for those who spend a lot of time at the cottage or frequently moved from one apartment to another, but appreciates the personal comfort. And, unlike most similar solutions, air-conditioning works not only for cooling, ventilation and drainage, and heating.
The main achievement of innovative developers - it's reversible design of the device that allows you to easily change modes. Because of this, at first glance, a simple solution capabilities, "Mobile" greatly enhanced. If you want to switch from cooling to heating mode, you just swap the air duct and grille.
The entire series of AIR MASTER is equipped with an automatic condensate evaporation, prevents accumulation of moisture in the air conditioner, as well as a device for continuous discharge of condensate in the dry mode.
The most efficient air conditioners have a reliable mechanical control, the more "advanced" model are with an LCD display and electronic temperature indicator.
Мобильный кондиционер от BALLU: мастер охлаждения
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