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Numerous Design Awards for a Sunny Idea

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08 June 2012

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Without the sun, there wouldn’t be solar heat - and without sunlight, the annual report of Austria Solar would look completely blank. The company that developed the surprising and eye-catching marketing idea of making the report’s content only visible by the energy of the sun is German agency group Serviceplan. Over the past few weeks, the group has received a flood of design awards for the Austria Solar report, which was sent to the trade association's members and to various representatives from business and politics at the beginning of this year. The photo shows Hannes Weninger, eco-political spokesman of the Austrian party SPÖ (left), together with Roger Hackstock, CEO of Austria Solar.

Bold ideas rank in their rewards: With the first annual report, whose contents can only be viewed in sunlight, the Austrian solar thermal industry and their association Austria Solar is really turning the world of creative designers and advertisers upside down. So far, the report has received 12 international awards in gold, 3 in silver and 2 in bronze:

    2 x Gold, 2 x Silver at the Festival of the Art Directors Club (ADC), Germany
    On the short list for the 3 best works from 6,500 submissions to the ADC
    3 x Gold at New York Festivals’ World’s Best Advertising Awards
    1 x Gold, 1 x Bronze at the Art Directors Club (ADC) of New York
    3 x Gold at New York's One Show and Award "Best of Show in Design"
    2 x Gold, 1 x Silver, 1 x Bronze at the American CLIO Awards
    1 x Gold at the Golden Award of Montreux, Switzerland

The British Art Directors Club, known for its sceptical jury, even nominated the annual report for best work worldwide.

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