Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Mitsubishi Heavy in Opten-Cable building

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15 December 2011

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The first phase of the project to equip the Opten-Cable Company buildings (Leningrad region) with the climatic equipment Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. is complete. Air conditioning systems of the Japanese manufacturer are installed in the office building and production departments of the optical fiber communication cables plant.
When selecting air conditioning equipment companies, engineers started from the requirements of reliability, technology and energy efficiency. After comparing and analyzing the characteristics of several brands of climatic equipment the preference was given to MHI.
For conditioning the office customer chose multizone system VRF-series Mini KH6 power 22.4 kW. This is a two-pipe system is highly efficient inverter control, internal blocks which independently may operate in different modes (Auto, ventilation, drainage), and are able to maintain the temperature in each individual room. The outdoor unit is compact Mini KH6, ease of installation, maintenance and transportation. To one outdoor unit capacity of 8.12 hp You can connect up to 22 internal total capacity up to 150%. Under the project, at the offices of "OPTEN CABLE" to the outdoor unit is connected 10 internal blocks of the wall type with its own wired remote control. Among the advantages of the system - a significant length of freon lines: total length of the tube unit capacity of 22.4 kW - 510 m.

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