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Magistral has won the tender

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14 March 2012

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Magistral has won the tender and started work on the installation of pipelines on the world's largest pulp and paper project  Bratsk timber processing complex.
Currently, a global reconstruction of the Bratsk timber processing complex (the project was called "Big Bratsk") introduced a new line for production of pulp, most of the reconstruction of existing lines - virtually the entire plant has undergone major changes. The cost of the project "large mass" of 700 million dollars and promised 720,000 tonnes of softwood pulp per year. The construction is parallel to the current production. Currently, laid new communication: more than 100 kilometers of pipes, more than 400 kilometers of cable, 25,000 cubic meters of the foundation. The Group's "Ilim" management plans not only to increase production capacity, but also to reduce emissions by 33%.

At this stage of reconstruction of the Bratsk timber processing complex Magistral specialists must perform an impressive range of works: installation of pipelines of various diameters (from 15 to 900 mm) of stainless steel and black, with the use of manual arc welding and TIG welding, assembly fixtures, construction of primary and secondary supports for the piping . In general, the Company will mount a different strand of 30 km of pipelines.
The head assembly of Magistral Igor Morgun notes that the company is proud to participate in such a large project: "The main purpose of Magistral - high quality complete the project in accordance with established deadlines. After all, it depends on us speed the onset of a significant event - the start of a new plant, "- he said.
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