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LG improves eco-technology

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25 May 2012

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LG aims to develop the production technology, to introduce environmentally friendly processes in the enterprise, to improve its energy efficiency the eco-environment for the safety of life and health of the employees and local residents.

The Russian plant of LG in the Ruza district, Moscow region introduced advanced air purification technology, which has invested more than $ 9 million. At the launching ceremony of new equipment to improve the environmental situation, which was held May 22, 2012 in the company, attended by Mr. Dahyun Song (Daehyn Song), President of LG Electronics in Russia, Mr. Wang, director of the factory LG, Oleg Yakunin, head of Ruza municipal district, village representatives and Dorohovskoe Rospotrebnadzor.

At present, all work completed installation of thermal oxidizer Regenerative-(PTO), whose efficiency exceeds 98%. Thus, the PTO is the most modern and efficient system of air purification from volatile organic compounds. To ensure its stable operation of the service will be made by Korean specialist manufacturer.

In addition, as part of an environmental program of the plant, part of the production equipment will be evacuated from the territory of its industrial sites. Since the beginning of May 2012 has already been removed paint shop cameras.

Also under the above program will be implemented actions to improve the ventilation of industrial buildings. This project is now in the final stages and soon the equipment will be put into operation.

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