Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

A high efficiency cottage

535 0
22 March 2012

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A pilot project of the Tomsk homebuilding companiy of energy efficiency implementation into the low-rise housing construction - a cottage in the village of Zonalny - was included into the list of participants for the presentation during the All-Russia meeting on energy saving in housing construction and housing and communal services which will be held in March 29th-30th in Tomsk.

Experts TDSK proposed to build a cottage of aggregate concrete panels, perfectly preserving the heat while standing less than, for example, laminated veneer lumber. In addition to lower operating costs applied to modern energy saving technologies. In particular, the individual source of heat - heat pump for heating with geothermal heat. This system has already established itself on the positive side for energy efficient operation of the kindergarten in the district of Green Hills.

According to expert estimates, thanks to embedded technologies cottage, which has a total area of ​​87 square meters, the falls in the highest energy efficiency class - "A".
According to Igor Shaturny, a pilot project of "Tomsk housing company" for the implementation of energy efficient technologies in low-rise housing construction - a cottage in the village of zonal - included in the list of objects for presentation to the meeting.
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