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Kamstrup expands production facilities

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29 February 2012

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The company Kamstrup - a world leader in measurement solutions to the energy and water consumption - announced the expansion of production facilities of its plant in Skandeborg, Denmark and the launch of a new highly automated production of ultrasonic water meters.
Despite the economic instability of world markets, Kamstrup continues to expand its production. The company's products account for ultrasonic devices for heat, cooling, and water. Deliveries are made from the plant in more than 60 countries and sales companies in 2011 rose by 30% compared to 2010. During the reconstruction of the plant to accommodate the new automated production facilities have been built and commissioned four thousand square meters Square.
The need for increased production was caused by the rapidly increasing demand for water utility companies in Denmark at the metering devices, in particular, the novelty MULTICAL ® 21, an ultrasonic water meters, which is equipped with a function of determining whether there are leaks in the water system. Denmark - a highly industrialized country with one of the highest standard of living, known for its innovative approach to technological developments in the field of heating and water supply.
Many utility companies in Denmark saw a need for the remote collection of meter readings, in whole or in semiautomatic mode, and this is due to an extraordinary interest in the new product line Kamstrup. "We hoped that our new product will attract attention, but the number of orders exceeded all our expectations," - says Per Asmussen, General Director of the main office Kamstrup.
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