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Energy building department

516 0
26 March 2012

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The specialized training department for designers and builders of the energy complex will be opened at the Moscow State Construction University (MSCU). Agreement on the establishment of the corporate department of "Construction of energy facilities and power grid management" of SRO have been made between the NP "Combining energostroiteley" and MSSU.
As noted in the "Unification energostroiteley" work of the department will provide a comprehensive approach to the preparation of industry experts. It will also help solve problems such as infrastructure and energy sector and energy efficiency of construction projects. As an added rector MSSU Oleg Egorychev to work of the department will be involved in the leading experts in the field of power engineering.
According to the CEO of SRO NP "Combining energostroiteley" Evgeny Kravchenko, a result of the department will be the restoration of the target training for specific needs of industrial customers.
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