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Khakassia will receive financial support

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13 August 2012

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In 2012 Khakassia will receive 2 billion 458 million 900 thousand rubles from the federal budget on various social programs. According to the official website of the Government of Khakassia, the first time this year several departments will receive financial support: State Committee on Tariffs and Energy Khakassia, The Ministry of National Policy Khakassia and The State Committee of Informatization.

The amount was announced yesterday at a meeting with the heads of executive bodies of state power, which was held by the head of Khakassia Viktor Zimin. State Committee on Tariffs and Energy Khakassia received subsidy in an amount of 164 million rubles. By the end of the year these funds will be directed to all municipalities of the Republic to solve the problems of energy saving.

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