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Grundfos LIFELINK wins award

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22 June 2012

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At Rio+20, Grundfos LIFELINK received an award for the efforts to improve the living standards for the people in some of the world’s most disadvantaged communities.

More than 1 billion people around the world have no access to clean drinking water. In spite of many years of humanitarian aid and development, it remains a major challenge to ensure access to water for all people. The sustainability rate on water projects in developing countries is alarmingly low, due to a lack of resources, capabilities and spare parts for service and maintenance.

With the Grundfos LIFELINK solution the Danish pump manufacturer Grundfos is applying its core competencies in solving the challenge of providing sustainable access to water for rural and peri-urban communities in the developing world. The company has developed a solution for sustainable water projects that not only includes modern pump technology driven by solar energy, but also a sustainable model for ongoing financial management and technical service. Through an innovative payment system based on mobile banking the water revenue is automatically collected and finances the ongoing service and maintenance, which is carried out by a local team of professional service technicians. Thereby, Grundfos LIFELINK is providing a self-sustaining model for water projects in rural and peri-urban areas of the developing world.

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