Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

GREE All-Russia exam

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05 April 2012

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At the end of March 2012 managers of climatic companies were able to test themselves on the knowledge of the brand GREE, the world's leading manufacturer of air conditioning equipment. Organization and carrying out of the test was made by the company "Euroclimate" (GREE official distributor in Russia).
The examination was conducted in the form of online-testing. It allowed the sellers from all Russian regions to participate in it. During 5 days the representatives of 250 companies checked their knowledge. There were totally 40 questions that affect company's product range, specifications, models and the brand GREE.
Before testing webinars for sales had been conducting during two months. "It allowed professionals to refresh their knowledge and to get new ones. Indeed, over the past year there have been significant changes: increased production, increased range of equipment ", -  Mikhail Beyzman, director of advertising and marketing of the company ""Euroclimate" said.
According to Mr. Beyzmana, it was not enough to develop and produce high quality air conditioning equipment. It was equally important to provide high quality customer service at all stages. That's why GREE sales consultants were trained annually and confirmed their qualification.
The winners were five people. This autumn they will participate in an international GREE sellers conference in China.
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