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Medvedev suggested to set federal standards for energy efficiency

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11 May 2012

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Dmitry Medvedev has suggested to set federal standards for energy efficiency in housing  in order to stabilize the payment shares for housing and communal services in the Russian families income.

"I consider it extremely important to establish federal standards for quality and reliability of energy efficiency in housing. Our people should be able to get a full set of these services are very large sum of money that these services are today. A portion of these payments to the family income must be stabilized, if not in the short term, at least in the medium, "- said Medvedev.

He recalled that the country began "a lot of work to improve energy efficiency." "The problem remains the same, it is obvious to all - in 2020 we need to reduce energy intensity of gross domestic product by 40% compared to 2008. This objective is achievable," - said the candidate for prime minister.

In addition, he added, the energy itself must become cleaner - the share of electricity production from renewable sources should increase by 2015 to at least 2.5% of the total from the current 1%. "These measures will significantly improve both the ecological situation in the country", - summed Medvedev.

Source: Russian newspaper
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