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UK is No 1 in energy efficient scorecard

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02 August 2012

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The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) announced that the UK ranked Number 1 in its first International Energy Efficiency Scorecard report. British Ambassador to the United States, Sir Peter Westmacott spoke on the ranking today at a press conference at the National Press Club.

The scorecard measured the energy efficiency of 12 of the world’s largest economies; measuring policy and performance metrics, energy usage related to buildings, industry, transportation, and national efforts to determine its rankings. The UK’s ranking means it uses less energy to achieve the same (or better) results, and reduces costs and pollution, creating a stronger, more viable economy.

The ACEEE measured the energy efficiency of 12 of the world’s largest economies, including:  UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, France, Australia, the EU, China, the US, Brazil, Canada and Russia. The countries represent more than 78 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP) and 62 percent of the global carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.

The UK scored in the top four of each of the four performance areas, and scored first in the industrial and transport areas. In the UK, energy consumption has stayed the same since 1970 while GDP has doubled. This means that the economy used half the amount of energy today for the same economic benefit as in 1970.

The UK’s ranking means it uses less energy to achieve the same (or better) results, and reduces costs and pollution, creating a stronger, more viable economy.

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