Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

ELSO base in Novgorod

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10 February 2012

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At the end of 2011 the grand opening of the first ELSO base took place in Novgorod . ELSO base is a store of wholesale and retail complex with showroom, warehouse and wholesale division.
In the ELSO base have a wide range of thermal products, from water heaters and boilers to the pipes, fittings, showers and mixers. All that is necessary for the full set of heating system in one place.

For Novgorod ELSO Group, based on their capabilities, offers the most favorable conditions for cooperation to its customers and partners.
For retail customers, private installers in the ELSO Database established system of discounts and bonus cards were introduced.
Wholesale direction ELSO Database designed specifically for large regional partners ELSO Group - construction companies, retail stores, assembly groups and companies. ELSO database enables orchestras wholesale company, retaining its own unique price level, which is able to provide only the federal distributor, significantly saving on logistics costs and will always have product available at near by.
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