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Electricity in Lithuania

853 0
31 July 2012

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Lithuania targets 23% share of renewable energy in 2020. Lithuania's share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in 2010 accounted for 19.7%, a 0.3% decrease from 2009. The country's target for 2020 is 23%, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, reports.

In 2010, energy from renewable sources was estimated to have contributed 12.4% of gross final energy consumption in the EU27, compared with 11.7% in 2009 and 10.5% in 2008. The 2009 Directive on renewable energy set individual targets for all Member States, such that the EU will reach a 20% share of total energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020, informs LETA/ELTA.

The highest share of renewable energy in total consumption in 2010 was found in Sweden (47.9% of renewable energy sources in total consumption), Latvia (32.6%), Finland (32.2%), Austria (30.1%) and Portugal (24.6%), and the lowest in Malta (0.4%), Luxembourg (2.8%), the United Kingdom (3.2%) and the Netherlands (3.8%).

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