Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

DX PRO II in Togliatti

577 0
15 December 2011

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Today, Togliatti is the second city in the Region in importance and the size, and the "Sberbank Togliatti" is a division of Samara Sberbank, which in turn is included into a branch network of Public Corporation "Volga Region Sberbank of Russia". Head office of Sberbank Togliatti is a branch No. 8213 Public Corporation "Volga Region Sberbank of Russia" located at Central District, Jubileynaya Street, Building 55.
мультизональная система кондиционирования DX PRO II компании Kentatsuмультизональная система кондиционирования DX PRO II компании Kentatsu
During the renovation of the building, which was held in 2010-2011, the task of creating and maintaining of microclimate necessary parameters in the building was fulfilled.
For the air conditioning of the building with the total area ​​3000 m2 a Kentatsu multi-zone air conditioning system DX PRO II was chosen
System consisting of 11 KTRX 250-450 outdoor units and 53 KTVY and KTZX indoor units was used.
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