Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Day of GREE Air Conditioner

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20 April 2012

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Company "CompuMarket", the official GREE dealer in Saratov and EuroCLIMATE, an exclusive GREE distributor in Russia held the Day of GREE Conditioner workshop for corporate clients on April 12, 2012. The event was held in a pleasant atmosphere in the Trading Complex "Constellation", the representatives of leading companies in Saratov brought together here: "Tayzer," "Quartz," "TechInformService," "Entourage 2000", "Alliance-Soft" and many others.
The participants discussed the following topics:
• Saratov companies choose GREE: ten-year history of cooperation.
• The range of domestic and semiindustrial GREE air-conditioners in the season 2012, specifications, and consumer benefits of new products.
• The fourth-generation of multi-zone systems GREE GMV - new opportunities.

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