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De Dietrich participates to ECWATECH

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24 April 2012

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De Dietrich participates to INTERNATIONAL WATER FORUM ECWATECH, Moscow, Russia in 2012, 5-8 June
Visit our booth : 14E22 in the International Exhibition Centre "Crocus Expo" - Pavillon #3.

ECWATECH-2010 appeared to be not only the biggest exhibition in Russia and CIS, but has been considered as the largest water/wastewater event in Central and Eastern Europe. According to audited data ECWATECH is already very close to the leading world water exhibitions (Aquatech, Wasser Berlin, WEFTEC): 739 exhibitors, including 233 international from 28 countries and 14 497 sq. m. of exhibits (net). Another important figure of 2010 – despite of the world economic countdown the number of trade visitors increased to 12642 instead of 11680 in 2008.

ECWATECH-2012 expects increasing of both individual and collective exhibitors (national, regional and sectorial). Joint stands of Austria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Israel, Finland, France and UK are being planned. A number of other associations and unions are also considering their stands at the exhibition.
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