Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

GREE chillers in GIETC

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25 January 2012

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Centrifugal chillers produced by leading air conditioner manufacturer Gree have been selected for the Guangzhou International Commodity Exhibition and Trade City (GIETC) project.
For air conditioning of these new buildings GREE will supply in 2012 16 chillers and 365 fan coil units.
Located in Hualong, Guangzhou, GIETC (Guangzhou International Economic & Technical Cooperation Company) covers more than 3.2 million m2. With total investment surpassing RMB 14.5 billion (about US$ 2.1 billion), the GIETC complex integrates spaces for exhibitions, trade, R&D, bonded logistics, hotels, financial services, and living facilities.

GREE will complete the object with 14 inverter centrifugal chillers, 2 high efficient cascade-type screw chiller, 365  fan coil units.

GREE is a leading manufacturer of centrifugal chillers in China. In recent years
GREE chillers have been installed on many famous sites in China and abroad. For example in 2011 GREE chillers were chosen for the automotive giant FAW and for the aviation company Zhuhai Aviation Industrial Park.

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