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The Energy Saving Trust in UK

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10:40 05 December 2012

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New research by the Energy Saving Trust has found a string of harsh winters and a raft of financial incentives have opened up a range of opportunities for insulation installers.

More than a million UK homes say they have fitted wall or loft lagging in the last year, while 13 million still have under-insulated lofts and 25 per cent (6.5m) have un-insulated cavity walls.

An Energy Saving Trust survey has found more than a fifth (21 per cent) of people are “very interested” in fitting insulation to their home, with many keen to cash in on the end of the government’s Carbon Emission Reduction Target (CERT) scheme, which offers grants to pay for cavity wall or loft insulation until 31 December.

The Green Deal, which supersedes CERT, will be official launched in January – and the Energy Saving Trust is inviting insulation installers to step up and get registered to take advantage of the increased interest in insulation.

The Energy Saving Trust is an independent organisation which can provide Green Deal installer certification at a fixed price.

All installers approved by the Energy Saving Trust are given a free listing on the organisation’s website – trusted by tens of thousands of consumers every day.

Energy Saving Trust housing expert Stephen Passmore said: “It’s clear that more and more people are taking insulation seriously – after all, it can literally stop your money going up in smoke.

“We’re encouraged that so many homeowners have fitted insulation in the last 12 months, and further heartened that 21 per cent are very interested in following their example.

“Green Deal lets householders pay back the cost of energy-saving improvements over time through their energy bill.

“Anyone performing Green Deal work must be certified – and the Energy Saving Trust is one organisation making sure that only trusted tradesmen can operate under the scheme.

“Our figures show that there is still a huge opportunity for installers to continue insulating homes across the UK through the Green Deal.

“With certification and the right information showing which homes could benefit from insulation then installers can maximise the opportunities of this initiative for themselves and householders.”

Green Deal enables private firms to offer consumers energy efficiency improvements to their homes, community spaces and businesses with no upfront payments.

Costs are recouped – as savings accrue – through a charge in instalments on their energy bills, with money passed on direct to Green Deal providers by energy companies.

The Energy Saving Trust, which has been advising householders on energy efficiency for 20 years, provides Green Deal certification services which are suitable for all types and sizes of business.

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