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Bosch exceeds growth target in 2011

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13 March 2012

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The Bosch Group exceeded its growth target in 2011. According to preliminary figures, this technology and services company generated sales revenue of 51.4 billion euros last year. This is 8.8 percent more than in 2010. "We were able to grow strongly in our anniversary year, and this despite such portentous events as the sovereign-debt and euro crises and the natural disaster in Japan, with its dramatic consequences," said Franz Fehrenbach, the chairman of the board of management. The company thus achieved one of its highest rates of growth since 2000.
In 2011, Bosch Group sales increased in all the world's major economic regions: in Europe, Bosch grew by 9.5 percent to more than 30 billion euros. This was especially due to excellent developments in Germany, where sales grew by 10 percent to 12 billion euros. In Asia Pacific, the company was able to increase its sales by nearly 9 percent to some 12 billion euros, and in the Americas by 7 percent to more than 9 billion euros.
All three business sectors contributed to the company's growth. Automotive Technology generated sales of more than 30 billion euros for the first time, and thus grew by roughly 8 percent year on year. The strongest increase in sales was in Industrial Technology, which grew by 20 percent to 8 billion euros. The Consumer Goods and Building Technology business sector continued to grow steadily, its sales rising by 4.3 percent to 13 billion euros.
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