Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Biocond took fifth place

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11 October 2011

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Russian market of climat equipment is one of the prior and most attractive for air conditioners manufacturers. Its richness does not exceed 30% that's why it will actively grow during the next years.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.forecasts that in the nearest future the market will reach the volume of 3 million units. At first the growth occurы mainly for the econom segment of the market. After that the demand will shift towards the hi-tech equipment.During this period the sales of inverter air conditioners will increase.It is a world tendency, and in this direction the Russian market of air conditioners will develop too.
In this way Mr. Masahiko Arihara, the Executive Officer, the Chief Director of Cryogenic Power Business of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. estimated the Russian market of climatic equipment during his visit in Moscow. He came to Moscow to a meeting with the Biocond management which had been an official distributor of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. in Russia during ten years.
In this year Biocond took fifth place in the MHI world's rating among the most successful company's distributors.
During the meeting the results of an uneasy season 2011 were resumed and the plans for 2012 were approved.
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