Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Biocond took part in the conference

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28 November 2011

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XXVIII Conference and Exhibition "Moscow: problems and ways to improve energy efficiency" was held under the patronage of the Moscow Government, which is preparing the implementation of the state program "Energy saving in Moscow in 2012-2016 and up to 2020".
During the exhibition a conference and a series of section sessions took place, where the transition to energy efficiency policies, methods and possibilities for the best and modern technologies to improve energy efficiency in the design, construction, renovation and operation of buildings in the city
were actively discussed.

The presentation of Egor Baychikov, head of technical department of the company "Biokond" (official distributor of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. in Russia and CIS countries), was devoted to the advanced MHI technologies which were actively used in the world's main industrial enterprises.
In his report
E. Baychikov presented new MHI equipment which could be used in industrial facilities and objects of social sphere where it would result in significant reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. These were industrial water to water heat pump ETW. Several specific examples clearly illustrated the ways of MHI heat pumps usage for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
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